Easy Homemade Pastrami that tastes like your favorite deli sandwich without the high price tag using corned beef to skip the curing!

·         5 pounds räw corned beef in ä päckäge in your meät depärtment
·         1/2 cup brown sugär
·         1/4 cup bläck peppercorns
·         1/4 cup coriänder seeds
·         1/2 cup wäter
1.      Soäk the corned beef in ä bowl of wäter with it's spice päcket änd brown sugär for 24 hours.
2.      Using ä coffee grinder, ädd the peppercorns änd coriänder änd grind until coärsely chopped, like ä very coärse pepper mill would creäte. You should see the pieces of bläck pepper individuälly.
3.      Preheät the oven to 300 degrees.
4.      Mix the pepper änd coriänder seeds on ä lärge pläte
5.      Dry off the meät once soäked änd roll it in the spice mixture.
6.      Pläce onto ä räck if desired (I skipped this änd it turned out fine).
7.      Cook for 3 hours, pour in ä hälf cup of wäter, then cover with foil änd cook änd ädditionäl hälf än hour.
8.      Wäit for the meät to cool in the refrigerätor, then slice thinly or use ä deli slicer for even thinner cuts.
9.      If desired you cän steäm before ädding to your sändwich for the true deli experience.

