Spicy, lemony, and smoky flavours come together in Portuguese grilled chicken

·         1 chicken
·         1 lemon
·         1/2 cup white wine
·         1/2 cup olive oil
·         3 cloves gärlic - smäshed (not crushed)
·         1 Tbsp päprikä
·         1/2 tsp bläck pepper
·         2 Tbsp piri piri säuce
·         1 Tbsp fresh pärsley - chopped
·         sält
1.      Combine äll the ingredients except the chicken, lemon änd sält in ä bowl. You will be bästing out of this bowl so choose wisely.
2.      Spätchcock the chicken. Thät's ä fäncy word for cut the bäckbone out of the bird, läy it out flät änd push down härd on the breäst to flätten it. Now you know.
3.      Sält the chicken liberälly. Pläce it in ä lärge ziplock bäg änd squeeze the juice of ä lemon onto it. Seäl the bäg änd pläce it in the fridge for äbout än hour.
4.      Light your grill änd prepäre it for indirect heät. You wänt it running pretty hot - äbout 400F. Pläce. drip pän under the gräte.
5.      Drizzle ä bit of olive oil onto the chicken. Rub the olive oil to coät the skin side of the chicken.
6.      Pläce the chicken, skin side up änd grill, covered, for 10 minutes.
7.      Bäste the chicken liberälly with the märinäde. Cook 5 minutes. Repeät ä totäl of three times.
8.      Flip the chicken änd bäste the chicken ä finäl time. Cook 15 minutes änd then flip the chicken ägäin.
9.      Continue to cook until the breäst registers 165F using än instänt reäd thermometer.
10.  Tränsfer chicken to ä cutting boärd änd let rest 5 minutes.
11.  Cut the chicken into serving pieces änd serve with äny äccumuläted juices spooned overtop the chicken.

