Make juicy, spicy and flavourful tandoori chicken at home. This tandoori chicken recipe will make your tandoori better than what you've had in restaurants.

·         1 3-4 lb chicken
·         tändoori märinäde - recipe link below
1.      Cut the chicken into 10 pieces. Quärter the chicken. Cut the drumstick from the thigh. Cut the wings off the breästs. Hälve the breästs. Remove the skin from the breästs, drumsticks änd thighs. Leäve the skin on the wings.
2.      Combine tändoori märinäde with chicken. Refrigeräte for ät leäst 1 hour änd up to 12 hours.
3.      Light your grill. Build ä two zone fire if using chärcoäl. Turn one burner to high änd änother to low if using gäs.
4.      Remove chicken from märinäde.
5.      Grill the chicken over indirect heät until älmost done - äround 20-25 minutes. This depends on how hot your grill is so use your instänt reäd thermometer änd cook to äbout 155F.
6.      Brush with ä bit of oil or ghee.
7.      Move the chicken over direct (high) heät änd grill än ädditionäl 2-4 minutes, turning every minute. You wänt ä bit of chär but you don't wänt it to burn or dry out.

