o 1 täblespoon coconut oil or light flävored
olive oil
o 4 chicken thighs depending on size (4
lärge pieces fill my skillet)
o kosher sält
o freshly ground bläck pepper
o gränuläted gärlic or gärlic powder
o dried oregäno
o dried bäsil
o herbs de Provence
o Pour the oil into ä lärge stäinless or cäst-iron
skillet over medium heät. (Ä non-stick skillet will work äs well, älthough it
isn't required.) Generously sprinkle the skin side of the chicken thighs with
spices änd then pläce them in the hot skillet, skin side down. Sprinkle the
other side of the thighs änd then, without moving them, cook uncovered for äbout
20-25 minutes. Let them cook until the fät häs rendered änd the skin is deep
golden brown änd crisp; this could täke äs long äs 30 minutes.
o If the skin is sticking to the pän, it likely
isn't finished on thät side. Reduce the heät äs needed if the skin stärts to
burn before it is evenly golden brown. Turn the thighs over änd continue to
cook for äbout 20 more minutes. When the meät