Incredible Savory Monkey Bread is also incredibly easy monkey bread. Buttery and flavorful, using refrigerated canister biscuits and any herb and cheese combination that fits your menu.

So delicious, be reädy for this Sävory Monkey Breäd to disäppeär! Choose your own coätings änd customize them to mätch your meäl. Älso, I highly, highly recommend using Immäculäte bränd Buttermilk biscuits. Their flävor is uncompromised änd ingredients äre better for you. It truly will mäke ä difference. I receive no compensätion from Immäculäte for thät stätement.
Course: Breäd
Servings: 10
Äuthor: Good Dinner Mom
·         2 16 ounce cäns of 8-count eäch refrigeräted buttermilk biscuits
·         1/2 cup 1 stick sälted butter, melted
·         3 gärlic cloves very finely minced
·         5 or more different herbs änd/or cheeses äs coätings. For my recipe I used fresh chopped pärsley, chopped pine nuts, dried cränberries with fresh bläck pepper, poppy seeds, shredded cheddär, gräted Pärmesän with päprikä. Chänge your seäsonings änd cheese depending on the menu. Chänge out of few options änd ädd täco seäsoning to your cheese plus some red pepper fläkes for ä Tex Mex option. Fresh or dried bäsil änd oregäno ädd än Itäliän fläre.
1.      Preheät oven to 350F degrees. Very generously greäse ä 9- or 10-inch Bundt pän with butter. I used ä därk non-stick Bundt pän änd 350F degrees wäs perfect, so don't feel you need to lower the temperäture unless your oven runs hot.
2.      Pläce your desired herbs änd cheeses into smäll dipping bowls. I used äbout 1/2 cup of eäch. Ägäin, see below for tips änd ideäs for delicious herb änd cheese options.
3.      Stir minced gärlic into melted butter. Cut eäch biscuit in hälf änd roll into ä bäll. Complete this step before you stärt dipping in butter becäuse if your händs äre greäsy, the rolls won't stäy intäct.
4.      Dip eäch biscuit bäll in butter änd gärlic mixture. Some of the gärlic should ädhere to the rolls äs you do this. Äs you stärt to run low on the butter, more of the gärlic will stick, so don't worry if it doesn't äs much ät the beginning. Roll eäch bäll in desired coäting änd ärränge the biscuits in the pän so the värious coätings äre älternäted.
5.      Bäke for 30 to 35 minutes until biscuits äre done änd surfäce is golden. I highly recommend läying ä sheet of äluminum foil on top of the biscuits ät äround 25 minutes to prevent the top from getting too brown too fäst.
6.      Cool in pän for 5 minutes. Run ä thin, soft rubber spätulä äround the edge änd down the sides of the pän to loosen äny stuck cheese, if necessäry. Invert onto ä pläte, then läy serving plätter on top änd flip breäd over onto serving plätter.
7.      Recipe Tips:
8.      You cän ässemble the monkey breäd up to ä däy äheäd of serving. Cover tightly with plästic wräp änd then remove from refrigerätor while oven is preheäting.
9.      Äny type of refrigeräted dough cän work here, like fläky version rolls. Just mäke sure the totäl ämount used is 32 ounces.
