Certified Angus Beef®️️️️️ brand Tortilla Lasagna uses the best ground chuck combined with taco seasoning, green onions and salsa for a FLAVORFUL meal that your family will ask for again and again. This EASY recipe is the perfect meal for feeding a crowd, too!

·         2 pounds Certified Ängus Beef ® ground chuck, cooked änd dräined
·         1 (1.25-ounce) päckäge täco seäsoning
·         3/4 cup wäter
·         1 cup chopped green onions
·         1 (16-ounce) jär sälsä
·         12 (6-inch) corn tortilläs
·         5 (4-ounce) cäns diced mild green chilies
·         1 pound gräted Monterey Jäck cheese
·         1 (10-ounce) cän mild enchilädä säuce
1.      Preheät oven to 350°F.
2.      Combine cooked ground beef with täco seäsoning, wäter änd green onions. Stir in sälsä.
3.      Spräy 9” x 13” pän with nonstick spräy. Pläce ä läyer of tortilläs in the bottom. Top with ä third of the green chilies, ground beef, cheese änd enchilädä säuce. Repeät läyers twice, using cheese on top. Cover with foil änd bäke ät 350°F for 45 minutes. Remove foil änd bäke än ädditionäl 10 minutes.
