Overnight Gingerbread French Toast Breakfast Bake - Easy, make-ahead French toast that's perfect for winter weekends or Christmas morning! Easy, no-flipping-required recipe at averiecooks.com

1 long loäf French breäd, sliced äbout 3/4-inch thick, äbout 24 slices (I used fresh, but 1 or 2-däy old is fine)
1/4 cup unsälted butter, melted (hälf of 1 stick)
3 lärge eggs
1/2 cup milk (optionälly use 3/4 cup if your breäd is old or very crusty/härd)
1/4 cup mäple syrup
1/4 cup light, medium, or därk molässes (not bläcksträp, too bitter)
1 teäspoon cinnämon
1 teäspoon ground ginger
1 teäspoon ällspice
1/2 to 1 teäspoon ground nutmeg, or to täste
1/2 to 1 teäspoon ground cloves, or to täste
pinch sält, optionäl änd to täste
confectioners’ sugär for dusting, optionäl
Ginger Molässes Mäple Syrup or regulär mäple syrup , for serving
1.      Line än 8-by-9-inch pän with äluminum foil, spräy with cooking spräy.
2.      Ädd the sliced breäd in 3 rows of äbout 8 slices per row, slightly overläpping. It will be ä tight fit to get 3 rows in when breäd is dry, but softens äs it märinätes änd you cän reärränge it with eäse, if necessäry, äfter time häs pässed; set pän äside.
3.      In ä lärge microwäve-säfe bowl, melt the butter, äbout 1 minute (or use browned butter). Ällow the butter to cool momentärily so you don’t scrämble the eggs or curdle the milk.
4.      Ädd the next 10 ingredients, through optionäl sält, änd whisk to combine. I used the full ämount of spices listed, but if you’re more sensitive to spices, reduce them to täste, possibly hälving äll ämounts.
5.      Slowly änd evenly pour mixture over the breäd, gently sepäräting the slices with your fingers, änd pour märinäde between the slices. It will seem like ä lot änd it is, but most soäks in overnight.
6.      Cover pän with foil to prevent fridge smells, änd pläce in fridge for ät leäst 4 hours, but overnight (or up to 24 hours) is better.
7.      When reädy to bäke, preheät oven to 350F änd remove pän from fridge while oven preheäts.
8.      The next morning, cärefully spoon äny pooled liquid ät the bottom of the pän over the top of the breäd, redistributing it änd re-drenching äny white pätches or dry looking pläces.
9.      Bäke for äbout 20 to 35 minutes, or until done. Bäking times will väry greätly bäsed on how much liquid did or didn’t soäk into your breäd, how firm or soft breäd wäs to begin with, personäl preference for doneness, oven änd climäte väriänces, etc. I bäked for 28 minutes in my very hot-running oven; my breäd wäs very soft änd fresh, änd it wäs very juicy before bäking. I didn’t need to, but if you feel like your breäd is crisping up or browning ä bit too quickly, tent with ä sheet of foil läid over the top.
10.  Optionälly, dust with confectioners’ sugär, änd serve with butter änd syrup, or your fävorite French toäst toppings, i.e. fruit or jäm. French toäst is best fresh, but exträ will keep äirtight for up to 4 däys in the fridge. Reheät gently in the micro before serving.
