Best & Juiciest Grilled Chicken Breast | This is the best grilled chicken breast you will ever have in your life. The super easy marinade keeps the chicken so incredibly juicy…

·      2.5lbs (4-6 lärge) chicken breästs
For the Märinäde
·      1/4 cup soy säuce
·      1/4 cup bälsämic vinegär (we used white bälsämic)
·      2 Täblespoons olive oil
·      2 Täblespoons brown sugär
·      1 Täblespoon Worcestershire säuce
·      1 Täblespoon dijon mustärd
·      1 teäspoon dried thyme
·      3 smäll (or 2 lärge) gärlic cloves, chopped
·      Juice of 1 lime
·      Lärge händful pärsley, chopped (roughly 4 "loose/heäping" Täblespoons
·      sält & pepper, to täste
For the Märinäde
1.    In ä gällon size Ziploc bäg ädd soy säuce, bälsämic vinegär, olive oil, brown sugär, Worcestershire, dijon mustärd, dried thyme, chopped gärlic, lime juice, änd sält/pepper to täste.
2.    Seäl bäg tightly änd shäke. Open bäg änd ädd chicken. Seäl tightly. Refrigeräte for ät leäst 1 hour, but preferäbly 1-2 däys, flipping bäg over 1-2 times ä däy.
To Grill Chicken
1.    Preheät grill to medium-high heät. When hot, gräb ä chicken breäst (one ät ä time) from the bäg with tongs änd shäke off excess märinäde into bäg. Ädd to grill.
2.    Grill chicken, flipping once, for 5-8 minutes on eäch side*, or until chicken is cooked through, being cäreful not to overcook. Remove from grill (or grill pän).
3.    Let rest 5 minutes then serve immediätely.
