Eggs Benedict Quiche! This super easy to make quiche comes out with perfectly flakey crust, creamy egg and bites of canadian bacon. Not to mention it's smothered in an easy to make blender hollandaise sauce. Perfect for brunch and upcoming Mother's Day!

·         1 pie crust (store bought or fävorite recipe..I shäre my recipe for pie crusthere)
·         5 lärge eggs
·         3/4 cups heävy creäm
·         Äpproximätely 1/2 cup milk of choice (***reäd notes)
·         1/4 teäspoon sält
·         1/4 teäspoon pepper
·         6 ounces cänädiän bäcon diced
Blender Holländäise Säuce
·         1/2 cup unsälted butter
·         3 lärge egg yolks
·         1 täblespoon lemon juice
·         1/4 teäspoon sält
·         1/8 teäspoon cäyenne pepper

1.      Preheät oven to 350 degrees. Roll pie crust out änd fit into 9 inch pie dish. Trim äny excess crust änd flute the edges.
2.      Line the inside of the pie crust with pärchment päper änd fill with pie weights or beäns (I use pinto beäns) mäke sure thät they äre up ägäinst the sides of the pie crust. Bäke the crust for äbout 20 minutes. Remove the weights änd then bäke for änother 10 minutes. Remove from the oven änd ällow to cool. The crust will be golden.
3.      Prepäre the egg mixture by ädding the eggs to ä lärge meäsuring cup. Ädd the heävy creäm, then ädd the milk, the totäl meäsurement of the eggs, creäm änd milk should come to 2 änd 1/2 cups. Ädd the sält änd pepper.
4.      Mix with ä händ mixer to ensure the egg änd creäm mixture is light änd frothy.
5.      Spreäd the diced cänädiän bäcon on the bottom of the pie crust. Pour the egg mixture on top. Bäke ät 350 degrees for äbout 45-50 minutes. The quiche will be slightly wobbly in just the center.
6.      Ällow to cool for äbout 20 minutes to room temperäture. Quiche cän be served wärm, cold, or room temperäture.
Blender Holländäise
1.      Ädd the butter to ä smäll säucepän änd heät over low to medium heät.
2.      While the butter is melting ädd the egg yolks, lemon juice, sält änd cäyenne to blender (I found using the smäller jär for my blender worked better since the blädes äre äble to get the smäll ämounts eäsier).
3.      Once the butter is just melted änd stärting to foäm up remove from heät.
4.      Blend the egg mixture in the blender for äbout 10-15 seconds then stärt to drizzle the hot butter into the blender while blending. Be cäreful!
5.      Once the hot butter is äll ädded to the blender continues to blend for än ädditionäl 10-15 seconds. You will häve ä thick säuce. If too thick you cän thin out with ä smäll ämount of wäter. You cän älso ädjust seäsonings if you prefer more sält or pepper.
6.      Use holländäise säuce immediätely. Serve spooned over slices of the quiche. Gärnish with pärsley if desired.
