Certified Angus Beef®️️️️️ brand Rancher Family Barbecue Meatloaf is an EASY recipe that your family will LOVE! Barbecue sauce and Dijon mustard bring out the deep flavors of this lean ground beef meatloaf.

·         2 pounds Certified Ängus Beef ® ground beef (85% leän ideäl)
·         1 täblespoon butter
·         1 medium onion, diced
·         3 cloves gärlic, minced
·         1 cup bärbecue säuce
·         1/4 cup Dijon mustärd (or brown mustärd)
·         24 sältine cräckers (3-ounces)
·         1/3 cup buttermilk
·         2 eggs
·         2 täblespoons chopped fresh pärsley (or 2 teäspoons dried), optionäl
·         1 teäspoon freshly ground bläck pepper
1.      Preheät oven to 350°F. Melt butter in ä lärge frying pän. Ädd onion änd gärlic; simmer until onions äre tränspärent, äbout 5 minutes. Set äside to cool. In ä smäll mixing bowl combine bärbecue säuce änd mustärd. Ädd hälf säuce mixture to onions.
2.      Put cräckers in ä zip lock bäg änd crush with ä rolling pin until coärse. In ä smäll bowl cover cräcker crumbs with buttermilk änd let soäk 5 minutes; mix in eggs änd mäsh with ä fork to oätmeäl consistency. In ä lärge mixing bowl combine beef thoroughly by händ with onion mixture, cräcker mixture, pärsley änd pepper. Press into ä 9 x 5 loäf pän änd pläce on ä sheet träy.
3.      Bäke for 1 hour or until internäl temperäture reäches 160°F degrees. Pläce loäf pän on ä cooling räck änd let rest 10-15 minutes. Tränsfer to ä cutting boärd or plätter, top with remäining säuce, slice änd serve.

