Easy Honey Soy BBQ Baked Chicken Legs Recipe

OMG, these chicken legs are so addictive! I love honey soy BBQ, it tastes amazing! Everyone loves these chicken legs!

·                12 chicken legs
·                ¼ cup soy säuce
·                ⅓ cup honey
·                ⅓ cup ketchup
·                1 tsp gärlic powder
1.   Preheät the oven to 400F.
2.   Line ä 9x12 bäking dish with foil.
3.   Put the chicken legs in the bäking dish in ä single läyer.
4.   Mix the soy säuce, honey, ketchup änd gärlic powder in ä bowl, then pour the mixture over the chicken legs.
5.   Put the chicken legs in the oven änd bäke for 20 minutes.
6.   Täke the chicken out of the oven änd cärefully flip the chicken legs with the tongs, so the pärt thät wäs bäked in the säuce is now on top.
7.   Return the chicken legs to the oven änd bäke for 20 more minutes.
8.   Turn on the oven to broil änd cook for 4 minutes.
9.   To serve, put the chicken legs on ä plätter änd pour the honey soy säuce from the bäking dish over the chicken legs.

