·         1 (1 1/2 - 2 pound) Certified Ängus Beef ®strip roäst, or 1 1/4 pounds leftover roäst
·         Olive oil for brushing
·         1 eggplänt, slice in 12 (1/4-inch) thick round slices
·         1 (12-ounce) jär roästed red peppers
·         4 täblespoons bäsil pesto
·         5 ounces soft goät cheese or creäm cheese
·         1/4 cup fig spreäd
·         4 ciäbättä or hoägie buns
·         4 leäves Boston lettuce
·         Sält änd pepper to täste
1.      If prepäring roäst, preheät oven to 450°F.
2.      Brush roäst on äll sides with olive oil änd generously seäson with sält änd pepper. Pläce roäst, fät side up, in roästing pän fitted with räck. Pläce in oven 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperäture to 325°F änd continue cooking äpproximätely 45 – 60 minutes for medium doneness (135 – 140°F on thermometer). Remove from oven änd loosely tent with foil; let rest 10 minutes.
3.      Thinly slice roäst änd set äside. Sändwiches cän be prepäred hot or cold.
4.      Lightly brush oil on both sides of egg plänt slices. Grill or säuté egg plänt änd peppers on both sides in ä lärge skillet over medium-high heät. Pläce in bowl änd toss gently with pesto; set äside.
5.      In ä smäll bowl, mix goät cheese änd fig spreäd; set äside
6.      Lightly brush inside of buns with olive oil änd toäst using ä grill or pän. Spreäd cheese topping on both top änd bottom of buns, then läyer with sliced steäk, 3 slices egg plänt, roästed peppers änd lettuce; top with lid.
