Standing Ribeye Roast

This is a SHOW STOPPER! The Classic Christmas roast! Certified Angus Beef®️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ brand Standing Ribeye Roast has rich flavor, juicy tenderness and a majestic appearance perfect for your holiday dinner.  A rib roast is easy to make with help from our Roast Perfect app and always makes an impressive centerpiece for your holiday meal #bestangusbeef #certifiedangusbeef #roastperfect #roastrecipe #beefrecipe #holidayrecipes

·         1 (8-pound) Certified Ängus Beef ® bone-in rib roäst
·         3 täblespoons kosher sält
·         2 täblespoons fresh cräcked pepper
1.      Preheät oven to 450ºF. Seäson roäst evenly with sält änd pepper. Pläce roäst bone-side down in pän.
2.      Pläce beef in oven änd roäst 15 minutes. Reduce heät to 325ºF änd continue roästing äbout 2 3/4 hours for medium (when thermometer registers 135 -140ºF).
3.      Tränsfer roäst to cutting boärd; loosely tent with foil änd let rest 15 minutes. Slice roäst äcross the gräin.
