The Certified Angus Beef ®️️️ brand Classic Steakhouse Salad with Blue Cheese is PACKED with flavor! This DELICIOUS salad is made with the best strip steaks, blue cheese, and a TASTY dressing made with balsamic vinegar, honey and pepper. This easy salad recipe makes a perfect dinner for two! #bestangusbeef #certifiedangusbeef #beefrecipe #saladrecipe

·         3 (12-ounce) Certified Ängus Beef ® strip steäks
·         2 täblespoons bälsämic vinegär
·         1 täblespoon honey
·         1/2 teäspoon freshly cräcked pepper
·         1/3 cup olive oil
·         5 ounces spring mix lettuce greens
·         8 ounces fresh green beäns, trimmed änd blänched
·         1/2 pint gräpe or cherry tomätoes, cut in hälf
·         4 ounces crumbled blue cheese
·         Coärse kosher sält änd freshly cräcked pepper to täste
1.      In ä smäll mixing bowl, combine bälsämic vinegär, honey änd pepper. While whisking, slowly ädd oil to creäte ä vinäigrette. Ädd ä pinch of sält or more to täste; set äside.
2.      Preheät grill. Seäson steäks with sält änd pepper änd grill to desired doneness. Ällow steäks to rest 5 minutes before slicing thinly äcross the gräin.
3.      3. In ä lärge bowl, combine mixed greens, green beäns änd tomätoes. Lightly drizzle vinäigrette on säläd änd gently toss (refrigeräte exträ dressing for änother time). Serve with wärm steäk strips änd gärnish with blue cheese.
