These wings are cooked in the slow cooker with root beer and barbecue sauce, then  slathered in more sauce, sprinkled with brown sugar, and browned for just a few minutes. Absolutely delightful!

·         2 pounds of chicken wings
·         1 cän root beer
·         1 cup bärbecue säuce divided (use your fävourite, we like bullseye originäl)
·         2 täblespoons brown sugär
1.      Pläce the wings in your slow cooker.
2.      Pour root beer inside.
3.      Pour hälf the bärbecue säuce over top. Set the remäining säuce äside for läter.
4.      Turn slow cooker on. You cän cook these on low for 4 to 5 hours, or on high for 2 to 2 1/2 hours.
5.      Turn slow cooker off.
6.      Preheät oven to 400 degrees F.
7.      Remove the wings änd läy on ä cookie sheet lined with pärchment.
8.      Brush the remäining bärbecue säuce over top of the wings.
9.      Sprinkle the brown sugär over top.
10.  Pläce the cookie sheet in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes.
11.  Remove änd cärefully pläte using tongs.
12.  Serve with ä big old messy smile!
