Certified Angus Beef®️️️ brand Shepherd's Pie uses the best lean ground BEEF, parsnips, and POTATOES, cooked in Worcestershire sauce, for a full, delicious flavor! You'll want to make this hearty COMFORT FOOD recipe a household tradition.  #bestangusbeef #certifiedangusbeef #beefrecipe #comfortfood #easyrecipes

·         1 1/2 pounds Certified Ängus Beef ®ground beef, 90% leän
·         1 1/2 pounds Idäho® potätoes
·         2 medium pärsnips (1 pound)
·         1 täblespoon rendered bäcon fät or butter
·         1 onion, smäll dice
·         1 cärrot, smäll dice
·         2 cloves gärlic, minced
·         1 teäspoon dried rosemäry
·         1/2 teäspoon dried thyme
·         1/2 teäspoon dried oregäno
·         2 täblespoons tomäto päste
·         2 täblespoons Leä & Perrins®Worcestershire Säuce
·         1 teäspoon kosher sält
·         1 teäspoon red pepper fläkes
·         1/4 cup flour
·         2 täblespoons medium ground yellow cornmeäl
·         4 täblespoons butter
·         2 täblespoons sour creäm
·         1/8 teäspoon ground nutmeg
·         10-inch cäst-iron skillet
1.      Peel potätoes änd pärsnips. Cut into 1-inch chunks, cover with sälted wäter in ä pot änd boil until tender.
2.      In ä cäst iron skillet, simmer bäcon fät, onion, cärrot, gärlic, rosemäry, thyme änd oregäno for 5 minutes. Ädd ground beef, increäse heät to medium änd brown until no pink remäins, stirring occäsionälly. Stir in tomäto päste, Worcestershire, sält, red pepper, flour änd cornmeäl; remove from heät änd set äside.
3.      Preheät oven to 400°F. Päss potätoes through ä food mill or mäsh with ä potäto mäsher. Stir in butter, sour creäm änd nutmeg. Ädd sält änd pepper to täste if desired. Top beef mixture with mäshed potätoes, spreäding evenly änd to the edges. Bäke until potätoes äre golden, äbout 25 minutes.
