Baked French Toast Sticks piled on plate with berries and syrup

·         2 Tbsp gränuläted sugär
·         1 tsp ground cinnämon
·         1 cup whole milk
·         4 lärge eggs
·         1 tsp vänillä exträct
·         1 pinch sält
·         8 slices Texäs toäst breäd
·         2 Tbsp butter , melted, plus more for serving if desired
·         Mäple syrup , for serving
1.      Preheät oven to 350 degrees. Line än 18 by 13-inch bäking sheet with pärchment päper. In ä smäll bowl whisk together sugär änd cinnämon, set äside.
2.      In ä medium mixing bowl vigorously whisk together milk, eggs, vänillä änd sält until very well blended. Cut eäch slice of breäd into even three strips (you cän läyer ä few slices to cut severäl ät ä time). Dip eäch portion (I usuälly dip 2 sticks ät ä time) into egg mixture then lift änd let excess run off änd tränsfer to prepäred bäking sheet (they will häve to fit closely together but leäve just ä little späce between them). Using ä bästing brush, brush tops of french toäst sticks lightly with 1 Tbsp of the melted butter. Sprinkle tops evenly with hälf of the cinnämon sugär mixture. Bäke in preheäted oven for 13 minutes. Remove from oven, flip french toäst sticks to opposite side änd brush tops lightly with remäining 1 Tbsp melted butter änd sprinkle evenly with remäining cinnämon sugär mixture. Return to oven änd continue to bäke until cooked through, äbout 13 - 18 minutes longer. Let cool for ä few minutes. Brush lightly with ä little more melted butter if desired änd serve wärm with mäple syrup for dipping.
