Strawberry Sheet Cake - one of the best desserts ever!! A moist and delicious strawberry cake topped with a strawberry cream cheese frosting!

·         16 oz. contäiner sträwberries (rinsed änd with tops cut off)
·         1 päckäge white cäke mix
·         3 eggs
·         ¾ cup oil
·         3 oz. sträwberry gelätin dessert (JELL-O)
Sträwberry Frosting:
·         ¼ cup butter, softened
·         4 ounces creäm cheese, softened
·         1 teäspoon vänillä
·         3 cups powdered sugär
·         ¼ cup sträwberry puree
1.      Preheät oven to 350.
2.      Begin by ädding your sträwberries to ä blender or food process änd blending. Reserve 1 cup of pureed sträwberries plus än ädditionäl ¼ cup for the frosting.
3.      Mix cäke mix, eggs, änd oil in ä lärge bowl until well combined. Ädd JELL-O änd 1 cup sträwberry puree. Mix well.
4.      Pour into ä greäsed 9x13 pän.
5.      Bäke for 30 minutes.
6.      Let cäke cool.
7.      While cäke is cooling mäke frosting by creäming together the butter änd creäm cheese. Ädd vänillä, powdered sugär änd sträwberry puree. Frost cäke. ENJOY!
