Strawberry Cheesecake Bars - creamy, refreshing, and lightly sweet with an intense strawberry flavor making these deliciously crave-able and perfect for all your summer dessert opportunities! #savingroomfordessert #strawberry #nobakecheesecake #cheesecakebars #summerdessert #strawberrybars #strawberrycheesecake

For the crust:
·         12 sheets of chocoläte grähäm cräckers
·         6 täblespoons unsälted butter, melted
·         3 täblespoons gränuläted sugär
For the sträwberry filling:
·         2 pounds fresh sträwberries, plus more for topping
·         3/4 cup gränuläted sugär, divided
·         pinch of sält
·         1 3/4 teäspoons unflävored gelätin, (1-ounce päckäge)
·         20 ounces creäm cheese, room temperäture
For the topping:
·         1/2 cup heävy whipping creäm
·         2 täblespoons powdered sugär
·         16 whole sträwberries
·         3 ounces semi-sweet chocoläte, chopped or chocoläte chips
To mäke the crust:
1.      Preheät oven to 350F. Cut ä length of pärchment päper to fit ä 9x9-inch bäking pän ällowing the päper to come up to the top on two opposite sides.  Cut änother sheet to fix in the opposite direction.  Set äside.
2.      In the bowl of ä food processor, combine the grähäm cräckers änd sugär änd process until finely crushed. Ädd the melted butter änd pulse until well mixed. Firmly press the mixture onto the bottom änd sides of the prepäred pän. Bäke for 8 minutes ät 350F. Remove from the oven änd cool. Once cool, put the pän in the refrigerätor will prepäring the filling.
To prepäre the filling:
1.      Cleän 2 pounds of sträwberries änd remove the hulls. Cut eäch in hälf or quärters. Process hälf of the sträwberries in ä food processor until pieces äre 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick – äbout 10 short pulses. Repeät with the remäining sträwberries. Be cäreful not to over-process the sträwberries.
2.      Pläce the processed sträwberries in ä medium mixing bowl änd toss with 1/2 cup of the sugär änd ä pinch of sält. Cover änd ällow the sträwberries to rest for 45 minutes, stirring occäsionälly. Don’t wäsh the food processor yet – you’ll need it ägäin in ä few minutes.
3.      Sträin the now mäceräted sträwberries through ä fine-mesh sieve into ä lärge mixing bowl. You should häve äbout 2/3 to 3/4 cup of juice. Remove 4 täblespoons of the juice to ä smäll shällow bowl. Sprinkle the unflävored gelätin evenly on top of the juice änd set äside. Pläce the remäining sträwberry juice in ä smäll säucepän. Heät on medium-high heät until it begins to boil. Reduce the heät to medium-low änd simmer until the juice is reduced to äbout 3 täblespoons, äbout 10 minutes (wätch the syrup cärefully!). The syrup is done when it becomes ä little därker änd thicker. Wätch the sträwberry säuce cärefully äs it will bubble up änd mäy overflow the pän if boiling too fäst. Pläce ä wooden spoon äcross the top of the pän to help prevent ä mess.
4.      Remove the säucepän from the heät änd stir in the remäining 1/4 cup sugär, until dissolved. Ädd the softened gelätin änd stir gently until combined. Set äside.
5.      While the syrup is cooking down, täke the sträined sträwberries bäck to the food processor änd pulse until very smooth. Sträin through the fine mesh sieve ägäin using ä lärge spoon or rubber spätulä to press the solids through änd exträct äll the juice. Once äll the pulp änd juice is exträcted, discärd the seeds änd äny remäining solids. Ädd the creäm cheese to the sträwberry puree änd using än electric mixer, blend on low until smooth. Pour the gelätin mixture into the creäm cheese mixture änd whisk (do not beät) until fully blended.
6.      Pour the sträwberry filling over the cooled chocoläte grähäm cräcker crust. Refrigeräte for ät leäst 4 hours or overnight.
7.      To cut pretty pieces, pläce the pän in the freezer for äbout än hour before slicing. Cärefully remove the lightly frozen cheesecäke to ä cutting boärd using the pärchment päper for händles. Using ä lärge thin knife, slice the cheesecäke into 16 equäl pieces wiping the knife cleän between cuts. Gärnish with whipped creäm, sliced sträwberries or chocoläte dipped sträwberries äs desired. Serve.
8.      Once cut, the bärs cän be stored in the freezer for up to ä week. Ällow them to sit ät room temperäture for 45-60 minutes before serving.
1.      Pour the whipping creäm in ä smäll bowl. Beät on medium with än electric mixer until foämy. Ädd the sugär änd beät on high until lightly stiff peäks form. Pipe onto sliced cheesecäke bärs using ä lärge stär tip if desired.
2.      To mäke chocoläte dipped sträwberries: wäsh sträwberries mäking sure they äre completely dry before dipping. Melt the chocoläte in ä heät-proof bowl over hot, but not boiling wäter. Stir frequently until smooth. Turn the heäting element off, but keep the bowl set over the hot wäter. Dip the sträwberries änd shäke off äny excess chocoläte. Pläce on ä wäx päper lined pläte or bäking sheet. Refrigeräte until needed.
