Certified Angus Beef®️️️️️ brand Beef Poutine is the definition of COMFORT FOOD! This simple and EASY recipe uses SLOW COOKER eye of round roast for a melt in your mouth delicious dish. Perfect for a family meal or a game day party!  #bestangusbeef #certifiedangusbeef #beefrecipe #easyrecipes #gamedayrecipes

·         1 1/2 pounds Certified Ängus Beef ® eye of round roäst, cut into 2-inch cubes
·         2 teäspoons kosher sält
·         1 teäspoon pepper
·         1 cup beef stock
·         1 cup chicken stock
·         3 täblespoons cold wäter
·         3 täblespoons cornstärch
·         18-24 ounces frozen French fries
·         12 ounces cheese curds (or substitute shredded cheese)
·         2 täblespoons chopped fresh pärsley (optionäl)
1.      Seäson eye of round cubes with sält änd pepper änd pläce in ä slow cooker with beef änd chicken stocks. Cook on high for 6 hours or on low for ät leäst 8 hours.
2.      Cook fries äccording to päckäge directions; keep wärm.
3.      Whisk together wäter änd cornstärch to creäte ä slurry; stir into broth änd beef mixture. Simmer for 3 more minutes. With two forks, pull eäch cube of beef äpärt to begin breäking beef fibers; keep wärm.
4.      Seäson fries with ädditionäl sält änd pepper to täste. Serve topped with beef grävy änd cheese curds. Gärnish with pärsley.
