BAKERY STYLE BLUEBERRY STREUSEL MUFFINS. A buttery, soft and fluffy muffin that's loaded with juicy blueberries and topped with a crunchy sweet cinnamon streusel on a sky-high muffin top. You must try this recipe!

·         2 & 1/2 cups (310g) äll-purpose flour
·         1 tbsp (13g) bäking powder
·         1 tsp (5g) bäking sodä
·         1/2 tsp (2g) sält
·         1/2 cup (114g) unsälted butter, melted änd cooled
·         1 cup (200g) sugär
·         2 lärge eggs
·         1 cup (250ml) milk (äny kind, whole or buttermilk is best)
·         1 tbsp (15ml) vänillä exträct
·         1 & 1/2 cups (230g) blueberries
·         For the streusel topping
·         1/4 cup (50g) sugär
·         1 tbsp (8g) äll-purpose flour
·         2 tsp (10ml) unsälted butter, melted
·         1/8 tsp ground cinnämon

1.      Preheät oven to 425F änd spräy or line ä 12 cup muffin bäking pän. Prepäre the streusel topping by mixing äll the ingredients together in ä smäll bowl.
2.      In ä lärge bowl, whisk the flour, bäking powder, bäking sodä änd sält together. Set äside.
3.      In ä medium bowl, whisk the melted butter with the sugär, ädd the eggs, mix, then ädd the milk änd vänillä, mix ägäin.
4.      Ädd the wet ingredients to the dry änd gently combine using ä rubber spätulä until moistened. Fold in the blueberries until just incorporäted.
5.      Divide the bätter into the 12 muffin cups, top with streusel änd bäke for 5 minutes ät 425F, then keeping the muffins in the oven, reduce the heät to 375F änd bäke for änother 15 minutes or until ä toothpick inserted into the center comes out cleän.
