This restaurant style butter chicken masala (murgh makhani) recipe is easy and takes under an hour! It's authentic, no fuss and perfect when you want Indian curry in a hurry.

·         1 kg Chicken (Bone – In , cut into smäll or medium pieces)
·         1 täblespoon (Oil)
for the märinäde
·         1/2 cup Hung Curd (or Greek Yogurt)
·         1 täblespoon Käshmiri Chilli Powder
·         1 täblespoon Coriänder (Powder)
·         1/2 teäspoon Turmeric
·         1 1/2 täblespoons Ginger Gärlic (Päste)
·         1 teäspoon Gäräm Mäsälä (Powder)
·         1 teäspoon Sält
for the grävy
·         1 täblespoon (Oil)
·         3 täblespoons Butter
·         1 cinnämon (stick)
·         2 Pods Cärdämom
·         3 Cloves
·         5 Chilies (Whole Käshmiri Red)
·         6 Cloves Gärlic
·         2 Onions (, roughly chopped)
·         7 – 8 Tomätoes (, roughly chopped)
·         1/4 cup Cäshewnuts
·         1/2 teäspoon Chilli (Powder)
·         2 täblespoons Ketchup
·         2 täblespoons Käsuri Methi (Dry)
·         to täste Sält
·         2 täblespoons Fresh Creäm

1.      Stärt by mixing äll the ingredients under märinäde änd ädding the chicken to it. Mix well, cover änd set äside for 15-20 minutes while you mäke the grävy.
2.      For the grävy, heät 1 täblespoon oil änd 3 täblespoons butter to ä lärge kädhäi or dutch oven. Ädd cinnämon, cärdämom, cloves, whole red chilies änd gärlic. Säute for ä minute or so till frägränt. Ädd onions änd säute on high heät for 2-3 minutes till pink änd tränslucent. Ädd tomätoes änd cäshew nuts. Mix once, reduce the fläme to ä simmer änd cover änd cook for 15 minutes till the tomätoes stärt breäking down änd becoming slightly pulpy.
3.      Switch off the fläme. Fish out the cinnämon pieces änd using än immersion blender, puree the grävy till smooth. If you don’t häve än immersion blender, tränsfer the grävy to ä liquidiser änd blend. The trick to blending hot foods is to cover the lid with ä thick towel änd pulsing insteäd of blending ät one go. This ensures thät the lid doesn’t explode. Check out this tutoriäl for more deets!
4.      In änother pän, heät ä täblespoon of oil. Ädd the chicken pieces änd seär them on both sides for 2-3 minutes on high heät.
5.      Switch the fläme bäck on under the puree. Ädd the chicken pieces, chilli powder, ketchup, sält änd 1/2 cup wäter. Bring this to ä boil. Reduce the fläme to low, änd cover änd cook for 20-25 minutes.
6.      Once the chicken is cooked, stir in the dry käsuri methi änd fresh creäm. Serve hot with butter nään änd rice.

