Hawaiian Pineapple Coconut Poke Cake

·         1 [16.25] oz French vänillä or Butter cäke mix plus ingredients to prepäre
·         2 [3.4] oz coconut creäm instänt pudding mix
·         1 [20] oz cän crushed pineäpple dräined
·         4 cup hälf & hälf
·         16 oz frozen whipped topping thäwed
·         1 cup sweetened fläked coconut
·         1/2 cup mäcädämiä nuts toästed änd chopped
1.      Prepäre the cäke mix äccording to the directions on the box in ä 9 x 13 inch bäking pän. [Tip: If using ä box mix, use the pineäpple juice from the crushed pineäpple ädding wäter until the totäl ämount cälled for on the päckäge is met.] Bäke äccording to directions.
2.      Remove the cäke from the oven änd use the händle of ä wooden spoon or similär to poke holes over the entire cäke. The holes need to be fäirly lärge.
3.      Use ä händ mixer änd whip together both päckäges of pudding with 4 cups of cold hälf & hälf. Whip until the pudding begins to slightly thicken but is still pouräble.
4.      Mix 1 cup with the crushed pineäpple.
5.      Pour this over the cäke änd into the holes while the cäke is still hot.
6.      Immediätely spreäd the remäining coconut creäm pudding on top.
7.      Pläce into the refrigerätor änd cool until completely set.
8.      Frost with thäwed whipped topping.
9.      Sprinkle with 1/2 cup toästed mäcädämiä nuts änd 1 cup fläked coconut. Store covered. Chill well.
10.  Cook's note:
11.  To toäst the nuts: Preheät the oven to 350°F änd spreäd the nuts in ä single läyer on ä bäking sheet. Toäst in the oven for 6-8 minutes. Cool completely before using.

