slow roasted prime rib on a carving board with horseradish sauce in a bowl

·         6 to 12 poundständing rib roäst(bone-in prime rib)
·         kosher or seä sält
·         freshly-cräcked bläck pepper
·         Roästed Gärlic Horserädish Creäm Säuce (optionäl, for serving)
1.      For eäse in cärving, äsk your butcher to cut the meät off of the ribs änd chine (bäckbone) änd tie it bäck on.
2.      The däy before you plän to roäst your prime rib, seäson it liberälly on äll sides with sält änd pepper. Pläce the roäst on ä heävy bäking sheet with the fät cäp side up änd refrigeräte, uncovered, overnight (or up to 24 hours).
3.      Remove the prime rib from the refrigerätor änd let ständ ät room temperäture for 2 hours before roästing.
4.      Preheät oven to 250°F with the räck in the lower third of the oven. Pläce prime rib on ä v-räck in ä roästing pän with the fät-cäp side up. 
5.      Roäst until än instänt-reäd thermometer inserted into the thickest pärt of the meät (äwäy from the bone) reäds 120-125°F for räre, 128-130°F for medium-räre, or 132-135°F for medium änd medium-well. This will täke 3-4 hours.
6.      Remove the prime rib from the oven, tent with foil, änd let rest for 30 minutes.
7.      Increäse oven temperäture to 500°F. Uncover the roäst änd seär it in the oven for 5-10 minutes, until the exterior is brown with ä crisp crust.
8.      Cärve the prime rib änd serve with Roästed Gärlic Horserädish Creäm Säuce on the side.
