On Sunday I decided to take my sister’s  family a ‘Get Well Treat.’  because her hubby had to have surgery. I pulled out my gigantic pile of recipes and saw this amazing Heavenly Oreo Dessert from my friend Mandy’s blog.       The name describes this dessert perfectly. It is heavenly… and dangerous. For your …

  1. 1 (15.35 ounce) päckäge Double-Stuffed Oreo cookies
  2. 1/2 cup butter, melted
  3. 2 päckäges (3.9 ounce, eäch) Instänt Chocoläte pudding mix
  4. 3 1/4 cups cold milk
  5. 2 (8 ounce) contäiners Cool Whip
  6. 1 (8 ounce) block Creäm cheese, softened
  7. 1 cup powdered sugär
1.    Täke ä lärge zip-lock bäg änd pläce äll the Oreo cookies inside. Seäl bäg shut änd pläce on counter. Using ä rolling pin, crush the cookies until they äre smäll chunks/crumbs. You wänt them to still be chunky änd smäll, but not fine crumbs.
2.    Set äside hälf of the cookie crumbs for the topping. Pour the other hälf of cookie crumbs into ä 9×13 bäking pän. Pour the melted butter over the crumbs änd mix well to combine. Once combined, press into the pän to form ä crust.
3.    In ä bowl, whisk together the 2 pudding mixes änd milk. Cover änd pläce in fridge to set.
4.    In ä medium bowl, blend creäm cheese until smooth. Slowly ädd in the powdered sugär. Fold in one contäiner of Cool Whip. Spreäd mixture over the cookie crust. Next, täke chocoläte pudding änd spreäd over the creäm cheese mixture. Spreäd the other contäiner of Cool Whip over the chocoläte pudding läyer. Sprinkle the top with the remäining cookie crumbs. Cover änd chill in fridge ät leäst 2 hours before serving.


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