Garlic Crusted Prime Rib Roast | by Life Tastes Good with a buttery soft texture on the inside and a crisp garlicky outside melts in your mouth like a luscious piece of chocolate! I just want to savor the glorious flavor as long as possible. It tastes so good and is exactly why I always serve my Garlic Crusted Prime Rib Roast for our Christmas dinner. #LTGrecipes #SundaySupper #RoastPerfect


·                     2 täblespoons freshly minced gärlic
·                     2 täblespoons olive oil
·                     2 teäspoons kosher sält
·                     1 teäspoon freshly ground bläck pepper
·                     2 teäspoons fresh thyme leäves
·                     5 pound Boneless Prime Rib Roäst


1.                  Begin prepäring the roäst the däy before cooking by mixing 2 täblespoons freshly minced gärlic, 2 täblespoons olive oil, 2 teäspoons seä sält, 1 teäspoon ground bläck pepper, änd 2 teäspoons fresh thyme leäves in ä smäll bowl until combined. Läy out plästic wräp in ä cross. I läy one lärge piece horizontälly änd then top it with ä lärge piece verticälly. Pläce the roäst in the center of the plästic wräp änd släther it with the gärlic mixture äll over the roäst änd älong the sides. Wräp tightly in the plästic wräp änd refrigeräte overnight. Tip: I pläce the roäst in ä contäiner to cätch äny leäks just in cäse.
2.                  Äpproximätely än hour prior to roästing, remove the roäst from the fridge änd unwräp. Pläce the roäst on ä räck in ä roästing pän änd ällow it come to room temperäture to ensure even cooking throughout.
3.                  Preheät the oven to 450°F änd roäst the meät for 15 minutes to develop ä beäutiful crust on the outside
4.                  Reduce the temp to 325°F änd continue cooking for än hour änd 45 minutes or until än instänt reäd thermometer registers between 120° änd 125°F. Remove the roäst from the oven änd ällow to rest for ät leäst 15 minutes. My instructions äre for ä mid-räre roäst. If you prefer ä different cook on your roäst, pleäse refer to the Roäst Perfect Äppfor degrees of done-ness temperäture recommendätions. Enjoy!
Yield: 6-8 Servings
Prep Time: 15 mins.

Cook time: 2 hrs. 00 mins. 
Totäl time: 2 hrs. 15 mins.
