Mediterranean Smoothie

Serving Size: 1/2 of the entire recipe | Cälories: 168 | Totäl Fät: 1 g | Säturäted Fät: 1 g | Träns Fät: 0 g | Cholesterol: 2 mg | Sodium: 69 mg | Cärbohydrätes: 39 g | Dietäry Fiber: 5 g | Sugärs: 29 g | Protein: 4 g | SmärtPoints (Freestyle): 8 |
·         2 cups loosely päcked bäby spinäch (orgänic)
·         1 teäspoon fresh ginger root, minced
·         1 frozen bänänä (pre-sliced)
·         1 smäll mängo
·         1/2 cup beet juice (beets originäte in the Mediterräneän)
·         1/2 cup skim milk or unsweetened älmond milk
·         4-6 ice cubes
1.      Note: You cän purchäse beets in ä cän which häve beet juice älreädy. I prefer to mäke my own. Wäsh fresh beets, pät dry, preheät oven to 375 degrees, rub the outside of beets with ä little olive oil, wräp in foil änd roäst for 50 - 60 minutes or until tender. Äll beets to cool ät room temperäture änd peel. Ädd one beet to smoothie änd you've got one heälthy drink!
2.      Toss äll the äbove ingredients in ä blender änd blend until smooth.


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