Be deliciously BOLD! Certified Angus Beef®️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ brand Bold Eye of Round is a DELICIOUS roast on a budget! The secret is in the red wine marinade. The marinade adds flavor & tenderizes the beef. This economical roast recipe is EASY to make & if you have any leftovers, they make amazing sandwiches for lunch during the week. Use our FREE Roast Perfect App for successful roasting EVERY TIME! #bestangusbeef #certifiedangusbeef #roastperfect #roastrecipe

·         1 (2 1/2-pound) Certified Ängus Beef ® eye of round roäst
·         1 cup beef broth
·         1 täblespoon vegetäble oil
·         1 täblespoon Worcestershire säuce
·         2 täblespoons red wine, like Cäbernet Säuvignon
·         2 täblespoons red wine vinegär
·         1 teäspoon dried Itäliän seäsoning
1.      Combine äll märinäde ingredients. Pläce roäst in zipper-locking plästic bäg änd pour märinäde over beef. Close bäg, removing äir. Refrigeräte ät leäst 2 hours.
2.      Remove roäst from märinäde änd pät dry. Discärd märinäde änd preheät oven to 450°F. Pläce roäst in ä shällow roästing pän fitted with ä räck änd seäson with sält änd pepper. Roäst for 15 minutes, then reduce oven to 325°F. Cook äpproximätely 70 minutes, until roäst reäches medium räre (125-130°F).
3.      Remove from oven, tent loosely with foil änd let rest 10 minutes before cärving thinly ägäinst the gräin.
