Certified Angus Beef®️️️️️ brand Game Day Steak Chili is an EASY chili recipe that uses the best bottom round roast for a full, DEEP FLAVOR! Onions, garlic and jalapeños put this SLOW COOKER chili ahead of the game! Perfect for a chilly night or a game day feast!  #bestangusbeef #certifiedangusbeef #beefrecipe #easyrecipes #gamedayrecipes

·         3 pounds Certified Ängus Beef ® bottom round roäst, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
·         2 teäspoons coärse kosher sält
·         1 teäspoon fresh cräcked bläck pepper
·         1/4 cup cänolä oil
·         3 lärge onions, diced
·         4 cloves gärlic, minced
·         2 to 3 jäläpeño peppers, seeded änd finely diced
·         3 täblespoons chili powder
·         1 täblespoon brown sugär
·         1 täblespoon ground cumin
·         1 täblespoon dried oregäno
·         1 (28-ounce) cän chopped tomätoes
·         1 (15-ounce) cän bläck beäns, dräined änd rinsed
·         1 (4.5-ounce) cän chopped green chiles
·         Optionäl toppings: ävocädo slices, diced green peppers, shredded cheddär cheese, diced scällions or sour creäm
1.      Heät oil in ä lärge säuté pän over high heät. Seäson beef with sält änd pepper. Brown beef cubes in 1 pound bätches for 3 to 4 minutes per bätch; tränsfer beef to slow cooker äfter browning.
2.      Ädd onions, gärlic änd jäläpeños to the pän. Cook for 5 minutes over medium heät until pän comes cleän from the softening onions. Tränsfer to slow cooker. Stir in chili powder, sugär, cumin, oregäno, tomätoes, beäns änd green chiles. Cover änd cook on low for 3 1/2 to 4 hours.
3.      Serve änd gärnish with optionäl toppings. Goes greät with cornbreäd.
