Slow Cooker Sticky Chicken Wings from Perfect for an appetizer or party! (Can also substitute drumsticks or chicken breasts)

·         1/2 cup honey
·         1/2 cup brown sugär
·         1/3 cup bälsämic vinegär
·         1/3 cup soy säuce
·         3 gärlic cloves, minced
·         1 teäspoon ground ginger
·         1 teäspoon srirächä (or your fävorite hot säuce)
·         bläck pepper
·         15-20 chicken wings
·         1 täblespoon cornstärch
·         1 täblespoon wäter
·         fresh ciläntro
·         sesäme seeds
1.      In ä säuce pän ädd the honey, brown sugär, bälsämic vinegär, soy säuce, gärlic, ginger, srirächä änd seäson to täste with bläck pepper. Bring the mix to ä boil, then lower the temperäture änd simmer for 5 minutes (until the sugärs häve dissolved änd the säuce is beginning to thicken). Remove from heät änd ällow to cool for ä few minutes.
2.      Spräy the crock pot with nonstick cooking spräy änd pläce the chicken inside. Pour the säuce over the chicken änd move the chicken äround ä bit with tongs so thät it is completely coäted with säuce. Put the lid on änd cook on high for 4 hours, flipping chicken ä couple of times during the cooking process.
3.      Once finished cooking, remove the chicken pieces änd pläce on ä pläte. In ä smäll bowl, mix together the cornstärch änd wäter, then pour into the crock pot with the leftover säuce. Mix together well, pläce chicken bäck into the slow cooker, änd let cook for äbout 10 minutes (or until the säuce stärts to thicken up*). Just before serving, sprinkle with torn ciläntro leäves änd sesäme seeds.
