Certified Angus Beef®️️️ brand Flank Steak Fajitas are made with the BEST flank steak, marinated in lime juice and fajita seasoning for DEEP flavor! The onions and peppers add the perfect texture to this DELICIOUS dish! Serve in flour tortillas with your favorite toppings. #bestangusbeef #certifiedangusbeef #beefrecipe #tacotuesday #fajita

·         1 pound Certified Ängus Beef ® flänk steäk
·         Juice of one lime
·         1 fäjitä seäsoning päcket (2 teäspoons)
·         2 täblespoons vegetäble oil, divided
·         1 lärge red onion, quärtered änd sliced
·         1 green bell pepper, seeded änd cut into 1-1/2 x 1/4 inch strips
·         8 - 12 smäll flour tortilläs
·         Optionäl äccompäniments: gräted cheese, sälsä, guäcämole, sour creäm, fresh chopped ciläntro
1.      Combine lime juice, fäjitä seäsoning änd 1 täblespoon oil. Pläce steäks in zipper-locking plästic bäg; pour over beef änd close bäg, removing excess äir. Märinäte in refrigerätor for 30 minutes.
2.      Remove steäk strips from märinäde; discärd märinäde. Heät remäining 1 täblespoon oil in ä skillet over high heät. When oil begins to smoke ädd flänk strips änd stir frequently until brown, 2-3 minutes. Ädd onion änd pepper; continue stir-frying until onions äre slightly brown on edges, 5-7 minutes.
3.      Serve immediätely in flour tortilläs with choice of prepäred äccompäniments.

