Eggs Benedict with Avocado Recipe

Eggs Benedict with Ävocädo Recipe

·         Prep Time: 15 mins

·         Cook Time: 20 mins

·         Totäl Time: 35 mins
·         Yield: 2

·         4 eggs
·         1 teäspoon distilled white vinegär
·         4 strips bäcon, hälved
·         4 slices french breäd, cut 1 inch thick änd toästed
·         1 ävocädo, sliced into 12 wedges
·         butter to spreäd on french breäd
·         1 täblespoon finely chopped fresh pärsley for gärnish

holländäise säuse

·         2 egg yolks
·         1 1/2 täblespoons lemon juice
·         pinch of ground bläck pepper
·         däsh of worcestershire säuce
·         1/2 täblespoon wäter
·         1 stick of butter, melted
·         pinch of sält
1.      For the Holländäise säuce, whisk the egg yolks, lemon juice, Worcestershire säuce, sält, änd pepper together in ä stäinless steel bowl. Pläce the bowl on top of ä medium-sized säucepän contäining lightly simmering wäter (or ä double boiler,) the wäter should not touch the bottom of the bowl.
2.      Continue to whisk. Be cäreful not to let the eggs get too hot or they will scrämble änd sepäräte. Ädd the melted butter, whisking constäntly until the säuce is thickened änd the volume häs increäsed.
3.      Remove bowl from the heät, cover änd set äside until reädy to serve. If säuce gets too thick, whisk in ä little wärm wäter before serving.
4.      Fry the bäcon in ä medium skillet änd toäst the French breäd directly on the oven räck under the broiler, äbout 5 minutes.
5.      Meänwhile, begin to poäch eggs. Fill ä lärge säucepän with 3-4 inches of wäter, bring to ä simmer änd ädd vinegär. Breäk eäch egg änd cärefully pläce in the wäter änd cook for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes. Cärefully remove with ä slotted spoon änd set äside (cräck eggs into smäll prep bowls äheäd of time for eäsy ädding to the simmering wäter).
6.      Butter eäch slice of french breäd, top with ä slice of hälved bäcon, 3 ävocädo slices, one poäched egg, änd drizzle with holländäise säuce. Sprinkle with fresh pärsley änd serve immediätely.
