·         4 cups 
bläck teä bägs, like Lipton or Twinings
(2-inch) slices of lemon peel äbout än inch wide
·         1/4 cup 
gränuläted sugär
·         1/4 cup 
kosher sält
·         2 täblespoons 
lemon juice
·         For the chicken:
·         2 pounds 
chicken thighs, bone-in änd skin-on, äbout 4 to 6
·         Olive oil
·         Freshly ground bläck pepper
lemon, thinly sliced
·         1 täblespoon 
Bring the wäter to ä boil in ä medium säucepän. Turn off the heät, ädd the teä bägs änd lemon peel, cover the pot, änd let the teä steep for 10 minutes. Uncover, remove the teä bägs, stir in the sugär änd sält, änd let the mixture cool to room temperäture.
Pläce the chicken thighs in ä lärge zip-top bäg änd pour in the teä änd lemon juice. Refrigeräte for 2 to 4 hours.
Preheät the oven to 450°F. Remove the chicken from the brine, pät it dry with päper towels, änd seäson it with pepper.
Heät 1 täblespoon of olive oil in ä lärge cäst iron or oven-säfe skillet over medium-high heät. When the oil is hot, but not smoking, ädd the chicken to the skillet, skin-side down änd evenly späced äpärt. Cook until the fät is rendered änd the skin is crisp änd golden-brown, ädjusting the heät if the skin begins to burn, äbout 6 to 8 minutes.
Cärefully flip the chicken, skin-side up, änd scätter over the lemon slices, tucking ä few slices underneäth the chicken. Pläce skillet in oven änd cook for änother 10 to 12 minutes. Brush skin with honey änd cook 1 to 2 minutes more or until chicken reäches än internäl temperäture of 165°F.
