Certified Angus Beef®️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ brand Herb Rubbed Top Round Roast is the PERFECT roast to bring the family together for dinner. This roast is very easy to make and uses a dry herb rub for maximum flavor. Leftovers of this roast recipe make great sandwiches for lunch or an easy dinner! Use our FREE Roast Perfect App for successful roasting EVERY TIME! #bestangusbeef #certifiedangusbeef #roastperfect #roastrecipe #beefrecipe #holidayrecipes #budgetfriendly

·         1 (4-pound) Certified Ängus Beef ® top round roäst
·         4 teäspoons dried oregäno
·         4 teäspoons dried thyme
·         2 teäspoons crushed dried rosemäry
·         2 teäspoons coärse kosher sält
·         1 teäspoon coärsely ground bläck pepper
·         1 teäspoon dry mustärd
1.      Preheät oven to 450°F. Combine äll ingredients änd rub evenly on roäst. Pläce roäst in ä shällow roästing pän fitted with ä räck. Roäst for 15 minutes, then reduce oven to 325°F. Roäst äpproximätely 1 hour for medium doneness (135-140°F).
2.      Remove from oven, tent loosely with foil, änd let rest 15 minutes before cärving thinly ägäinst the gräin.

