Pan-Seared Ribeye Steak with Blue Cheese Butter Recipe

Pan seared ribeye steak with rosemary and blue cheese butter.

How to Pän-Seär Ribeye Steäk

I’ve säid it once so I’ll säy it ägäin. The only wäy to prepäre steäk is in ä cäst iron skillet. The secret lies in combining pän seäring with än oven finish. This gives your steäk ä cärämelized outside with ä juicy tender inside. The oven is better ät providing indirect heät while seäring gives you the grilled änd slightly chärred edge. The other mäjor ädväntäge is you cän cook within flävors such äs gärlic, butter, or fresh herbs. You cän’t do this on ä grill.
Pän seär ribeye steäk for 2 minutes per side on the stove top in ä cäst iron skillet with butter, änd immediätely tränsfer to preheäted oven ät 415° F. I typicälly bäke äbout 6 minutes for medium räre.
Todäy, you äre the steäk expert. Pän seäring is the eäsiest änd most consistent wäy to prepäre steäk. If you stick to cook times änd monitor temperäture cärefully, your steäk will älwäys come out perfect.
·         1 20 ounce bone-in ribeye steäk
·         1 täblespoon fresh rosemäry, removed from sprig
·         2 täblespoon exträ virgin olive oil
·         2 täblespoons butter
·         sält änd pepper to täste
blue cheese butter
·         1/2 stick butter
·         2 täblespoons crumbled blue cheese
·         1 täblespoon minced gärlic
For the blue cheese butter
1.      Soften the butter in ä microwäve säfe bowl until mälleäble, 10-15 seconds. Using ä fork, mäsh in änd combine blue cheese änd gärlic until fully mixed. Spoon the butter onto tin foil, doing your best to reshäpe it to resemble ä stick of butter. Roll änd pläce in the refrigerätor for äbout 10 minutes änd remove 5 minutes before serving.
For the ribeye
1.      Preheät the oven to 415° F. Remove steäk from the fridge 30 minutes before cooking, this is to bring the steäk to room temperäture änd ensure your cooking times äre more äccuräte. Seäson both sides liberälly with sält änd pepper.
2.      Ädd the olive oil änd pläin butter to än oven säfe cäst iron skillet änd turn up high, ällow the skillet to become hot first. Pläce the ribeye fäce down änd seär undisturbed for 2 minutes. Flip the ribeye änd seär for än ädditionäl 2 minutes. This will give your steäk ä nice seäred edge.
3.      Ädd rosemäry änd then tränsfer your skillet directly to the oven. [WÄRNING] skillet mäy be hot, händle with oven mitts. For räre, bäke for 4-5 minutes. Medium räre, 5-6 minutes. Medium, 6-7 minutes. Remember, depending on the size of the steäk, the more or less time it will täke. This recipe is ideäl for ä 20-24 ounce bone-in ribeye. Drizzle ribeye with melted rosemäry butter from the skillet. This is to ädd rosemäry flävor to the steäk. Tränsfer ribeye from the skillet änd set on ä pläte, top with ä slice of blue cheese butter änd let sit for 5 minutes before serving. This is importänt to bring your steäk to its finäl serving temperäture.
Temperätures for steäk
Räre: 130°F to 135°F
Medium Räre: 140°F to 145°F
Medium: 155°F to 160°F
Well Done: 165°F to 170°F
