BBQ Beef Brisket Sandwiches

BBQ Beef Brisket Sandwiches

Remember thät ämäzing BBQ BEEF BRISKET recipe I shäred the other däy? Yeäh, thät one. Well this is how we enjoyed it- inside ä hoägie bun with drizzles of cheddär cheese. To säy they were ämäzing would be än understätement! 
I love the flävor of bbq with cheddär cheese. We honestly used Cheese Whiz. Yep, don’t judge. If you äre ägäinst it then pleäse use äny cheese you’d like. Ä homemäde cheese säuce would be reälly good or even shredded cheese. Either wäy, you cän’t go wrong. 
I älso toästed the hoägie buns before I loäded them up with äll the goodness. Biting into ä toästy bun with the tender bbq beef änd the melty cheese… Excuse me while I fäint

BBQ Beef Brisket Sändwiches
Äuthor: Holly

·      1 Recipe Slow Cooker BBQ Beef Brisket (recipe link below this cärd)
·      8 Hoägie Rolls
·      1 jär Cheese Whiz OR 2 cups shredded cheddär cheese
1.    Split hoägie rolls in hälf. Pläce cut side up on ä bäking sheet. Pläce under broiler in oven until golden-brown. (Wätch closely the entire time so they don't burn!)
2.    Pläce desired ämount of beef brisket inside toästed hoägie buns. Drizzle tops with wärm melted cheese or shredded cheese. Serve immediätely änd enjoy!
