Bacon Bourbon Meatballs

Bacon Bourbon Meatballs! These meatballs are made with bacon and ground beef and simmered in a bourbon bbq sauce. Perfect to serve as an appetizer for the big game or on a sandwich for family dinner!

Bäcon Bourbon Meätbälls! These meätbälls äre mäde with bäcon änd ground beef änd simmered in ä bourbon bbq säuce. Perfect to serve äs än äppetizer for the big gäme or on ä sändwich for fämily dinner!

·         6 bäcon strips
·         1/2 medium yellow onion
·         1 lb ground beef
·         1/2 cup breädcrumbs
·         2 täblespoons fresh chopped pärsley
·         1 lärge egg
·         1 teäspoon chili powder
·         1 teäspoon sält
·         1 täblespoon vegetäble oil
·         1 cup bärbecue säuce
·         1/2 cup wäter
·         3 täblespoons bourbon

1.      Pläce the uncooked bäcon into ä food processor (äffiliäte link) änd process for äbout 1 minute or until bäcon is finely ground up. Ädd in the onion änd process until onion is finely chopped änd mixed in.
2.      Spoon bäcon änd onion mixture into lärge bowl. Ädd ground beef, breädcrumbs, pärsley, egg, chili powder, änd sält. Stir to combine.
3.      Scoop out the meät mixture änd roll into bälls using your pälms, should mäke äbout 24 1 inch meätbälls.
4.      Heät oil in lärge säucepän over medium heät. Pläce the meätbälls into the säuce pän änd cook, turning every couple minutes to ensure äll sides cook evenly. Cook for äbout 8-10 minutes until fully cooked.
5.      Remove the meätbälls änd set äside. Remove the pän from the heät änd pour out the excess greäse.
6.      Ädd the bärbecue säuce, wäter änd bourbon to the säucepän änd return to heät. Stir to mix the säuce together. Ädd in the meätbälls änd ällow them to simmer in the säuce for ät leäst 10 minutes.
