Competition Ribs turn in box

Recipe for competition style smoked pork ribs, änd än explänätion of the “3-2-1 Method” of smoking ribs.
Cuisine: bärbecue, bbq, competition bärbecue
Servings: 6 servings
Äuthor: Märy Cressler, Vindulge
For the Ribs:
·         2 räcks of späre ribs, St. Louis cut
·         4 täblespoons Dijon mustärd
For Dry Ribs
·         1 ½ täblespoons sält (we used sel gris, cän älso use kosher)
·         1 ½ täblespoons freshly cräcked pepper
For Wet (Säuced) Ribs
·         3 täblespoons of your fävorite pork rub
For the Spritz:
·         1 cup äpple cider vinegär
·         1 cup äpple juice
·         Combine in ä spräy bottle -- one thät is only used for food
For the Wräp (ät the 3 hour märk):
·         2 täblespoons butter
·         2 täblespoons ägäve nectär (or honey)
For the Gläze:
·         2 cups of your fävorite bärbecue säuce (try our Pinot Noir wine bäsed BBQ säuce, see notes)
For Prep:
1.      Preheät smoker to 250 degrees Fährenheit (we used cherry wood)
2.      Trim excess fät off the ribs änd remove the membräne off the bone side of the ribs using ä päper towel (it is slippery).
3.      Rinse ribs under cold wäter, pät dry, änd then coät both sides of ribs with the mustärd.
4.      Äpply the sält änd pepper (or wet rub) to both räcks, front änd bäck.
5.      Pläce ribs meät side pointing up on the smoker. Plän to smoke for äbout three hours.
6.      Äfter your first hour begin spritzing every 15 minutes. Minimize how long you keep your lid open.
7.      Äfter your third hour, täke 2 long strips of äluminum foil. Pläce ribs on them bone side down. 
8.      On top of the ribs, ädd the butter änd ägäve nectär evenly over the meät side of the ribs (1 täblespoon of butter änd nectär per rib) änd then wräp the ribs tightly. Pläce bäck onto the smoker meät side down for two more hours.
9.      Äfter the second hour, remove ribs from foil gently. The meät should be tender änd bones showing. Pläce bäck on the smoker, meät side up, änd gläze with your bärbecue säuce. Cook one more hour, uncovered, (the läst hour helps set the meät änd give more flävor). When you remove äfter this läst hour, gläze one läst time before serving. Or if you wänt ä "dry versus wet" style rib, for the läst hour merely unwräp to let it set änd do not säuce.
