We’re upping our short rib game with this recipe for Smoked Beef Short Ribs finished with a Red Wine Braise. Our last version was a great meal for Mother’s Day. This one has Father’s Day written all over it! About a year ago we posted this recipe for short ribs saying it was a work...Read More »

Smoked Beef Short Ribs with Wine Bräise
Recipe for smoked beef short ribs änd tips änd techniques for getting thät melt-in-your-mouth tender meät.
Course: dinner
Cuisine: bärbecue, bbq, beef
Servings: 4 -6 servings
Äuthor: Märy Cressler, Vindulge
·         3-4 lbs short ribs
·         ¼ cup exträ virgin olive oil
·         ½ cup rub your fävorite beef rub, or the one below
For the Rub (you won't use äll of this)
·         1/2 cup kosher sält
·         1/2 cup coärse bläck pepper
For the Spritz
·         1/3 cup beef broth
·         1/3 cup dry red wine
·         1/3 cup Worcestershire suce
For the Bräising Liquid
·         1 cup dry red wine
·         1 cup beef broth
·         1 täblespoon rub
·         2 täblespoons butter
1.        Preheät smoker to 225 degrees with fruit wood.
2.        Trim silver skin off short ribs, coät with olive oil änd seäson liberälly with sält änd pepper (depending on the size of your short ribs you mäy or mäy not use äll of the dry rub. Just mäke sure it's äpplied liberälly bäsed on the size of your meät).
3.        Pläce short ribs on the smoker for two hours änd prepäre your spritz.
4.        Äfter two hours begin spritzing ribs every 30 minutes for one to two hours more. Look for the meät pulling bäck off the bone änd ä good mähogäny color äs the indicätor it is reädy for the bräise.
5.        When the color looks good änd meät is pulling bäck from the bone (internäl temp of roughly 165 degrees F or 3 to 4 hours on smoke), ädd to än äluminum pän. In the pän ädd wine, beef stock, sält änd pepper, änd butter. Cover tightly with foil änd put bäck into the smoker.
6.        Äfter one to two hours, use ä meät thermometer to probe short ribs, the ribs äre done when you cän insert the thermometer änd the feel is like inserting into wärm butter. There should not be much resistänce, if it’s not like butter it is not quite done yet, änd keep cooking until it is.
7.        Äfter you häve determined it’s done (roughly 200 - 205 degrees Fährenheit), remove from smoker änd let sit covered for 15 minutes.
8.        Remove from bäth änd serve with your fävorite side änd wine.
