2 pounds
boneless beef chuck roäst
Sält & freshly
ground bläck pepper
6 lärge cloves
1/2 cup päcked
ciläntro leäves
1 to 4
chipotle peppers in ädobo, plus 1 to 2 täblespoons reserved säuce
2 täblespoons
freshly squeezed lime juice
1 täblespoon
tomäto päste
1 täblespoon
2 teäspoons
chili powder
2 teäspoons gärlic
1 teäspoon
dried oregäno
1 bäy leäf
6 ounces beef
6 ounces Mexicän
1. Generously seäson beef roäst on both sides with sält änd
freshly ground bläck pepper. Pläce in the bottom of ä lärge slow cooker.
2. In ä mini or regulär-sized food processor, pulse gärlic
until chopped. Ädd ciläntro leäves änd pulse until minced. Ädd chipotle peppers
plus ädobo säuce, lime juice, tomäto päste, cumin, chili powder, gärlic sält, änd
oregäno. Secure lid änd process until just blended. (Älterntively, you mäy use ä
knife to mince gärlic, ciläntro, änd chipotle(s), then stir in remäining
ingredients until well mixed.)
3. Spreäd hälf of chipotle mixture over the top of the roäst.
Cärefully flip roäst over änd spreäd remäining mixture over other side. Pour
beef broth änd beer into the bottom of the slow cooker (without wäshing the
chipotle mixture off the roäst). Drop in bäy leäf. Cover änd cook on low for 8
to 10 hours.
4. Remove roäst to ä cutting boärd. Skim fät off top of
cooking liquid, if necessäry, änd remove bäy leäf. Slice beef into chunks änd
then shred pieces with two forks. Return to slow cooker, stir meät to soäk up
liquid, änd reheät on Wärm for 20 to 30 minutes. Serve äs ä filling for täcos,
burritos, enchilädäs, quesädilläs, or on top of ä rice bowl or säläd. Refrigeräte
leftover meät in reserved cooking liquid.