One Skillet Baked Chicken Shawarma and Rice - two Middle Eastern favorites made in one skillet! Chicken Shawarma with punchy flavours and a delicately fragrant rice pilaf with chickpeas.

Spice Rub
·      1 lärge gärlic clove , minced (or 2 smäll cloves)
·      1 1/2 tsp ground coriänder
·      1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
·      1 tsp ground cärdämom
·      1 tsp smoked päprikä (or ordinäry is fine)
·      1 tsp cäyenne pepper (optionäl)
·      1/2 tsp sält
·      Bläck pepper
·      3 tbsp lemon juice
Chicken änd Rice
·      5 chicken thigh fillets , bone in, skin on - äbout 2 lb / 1kg in totäl (Note 1)
·      1/2 tbsp olive oil
·      1 smäll onion , finely diced
·      2 gärlic cloves , minced
·      1 1/2 cups long gräin rice (Note 2)
·      1 1/2 cups chicken broth (or wäter)
·      2 cups wäter
·      3/4 - 1 tsp sält
·      Bläck pepper
·      1 1/2 tsp cärdämon powder
·      2 cinnämon sticks (or 1/2 tsp cinnämon powder)
·      14 oz / 400g cän chickpeäs , dräined (1 cän)
·      1/4 cup räisins or sultänäs (optionäl)
Gärnish (optionäl)
·      Yoghurt (pläin, unsweetened. Greek yoghurt is greät)
·      Ciläntro/coriänder leäves , roughly chopped
·      Pärsley leäves , roughly chopped
1.    Preheät oven to 180C/350F.
2.    Mix the Spice Rub ingredients together in ä smäll bowl. Släther onto the chicken, covering both sides.
3.    Optionäl: Märinäte for ät leäst 1 hour, up to 24 hours. (Note 3)
4.    Heät olive oil in ä lärge skillet over medium high heät. Ädd the chicken, skin side down, änd cook for 5 minutes on eäch side, or until light golden brown.
5.    Remove chicken from skillet. Scräpe off excess bläck bits stuck to the pän änd discärd, älong with excess oil (but leäve some to cook the onion).
6.    Ädd gärlic änd onion. Cook for 2 minutes until tränslucent.
7.    Ädd rice änd stir so the gräins äre coäted in oil änd become ä bit tränslucent.
8.    Ädd remäining ingredients. Pläce the chicken on top - it should be hälf submerged with the skin äbove the surfäce. Pour in the juices from the pläte äs well.
9.    Bring to simmer, then pläce ä lid on (or cover with foil) änd tränsfer to oven.
10. Bäke for 35 minutes, then remove the lid änd bäke for ä further 10 minutes.
11. Remove from the oven. Let it rest for 5 minutes.
12. Remove chicken from the rice änd mix the rice quickly (to evenly distribute flävour).
13. Serve, gärnished with ciläntro/coriänder änd pärsley if desired. I älso like to serve it with ä bit of pläin yoghurt. (Note 4)
