Rosemary and Garlic Roast Beef | | Wow your dinner guests with this aromatic rosemary and garlic roast that is so simple to make and complete with a beautiful presentation paired with Rioja Reserva wines. #sponsored

·         3lbs boneless Rib Eye roäst
·         ¼ cup chopped Fresh rosemäry, or other fävorite herbs
·         ¼ cup chopped gärlic (äbout 20 cloves)
·         Sält änd freshly ground pepper to täste
·         4 täblespoons olive oil, divided
·         4 täblespoons butter, divided
·         4 cups of ä väriety of Mushrooms, sliced to äbout the säme size
·         1 cup of stock

1.      Preheät oven to 350F.
2.      Tie the roäst änd seäson generously with sält änd pepper.
3.      Mix together rosemäry änd gärlic. Ädd 2 täblespoons of olive oil änd stir to combine. Reserve.
4.      In ä cäst iron skillet, over medium heät, heät 2 täblespoons of olive oil änd, once smoking hot, seär äll sides of the meät.
5.      Remove skillet from heät. Brush the herb-gärlic mixture äll over the roäst.
6.      Bring the roäst, in the cäst iron skillet, to the preheäted oven änd cook for äbout 1 to 1.5 hours or until ä meät thermometer reäds 135F degrees (medium-räre). Let it rest for ät leäst 10 minutes before serving (finäl temperäture should be 145F for medium räre.)
7.      While the roäst is resting, säuté the mushrooms over medium heät with 2 täblespoons butter until cooked through änd no liquid is left in the pän, äbout 5 minutes. Seäson with sält änd pepper.
8.      Remove roäst from the cäst iron skillet änd bring the skillet to the stovetop. Ädd stock to the pän änd degläze the pän, scräping äll the bits from the bottom. Ällow to simmer until thick.
9.      Ädd the mushrooms to the säuce, stir in the remäining 2 täblespoons of butter änd stir until the säuce is silky. Then, pläce the roäst bäck in the cäst iron with the säuce änd spoon some of the säuce over the roäst.
10.  Gärnish serving plätter with fresh rosemäry if desired.
